Neuro Optometry and Behavioral Optometry

Most people know Optometry deals with the eyes but relatively few are aware of Neuro-Optometry and Behavioral Optometry which are extended studies of Optometry.

Head injury and a person’s perception of their eyesight operate uniquely on the sight. The use of research and computer technology is changing the way eye therapy is designed. Surgical transplants are sometimes necessary, but the adjustment of behavioral optometry plays a part in this adaptation as well as various other adaptations when surgery is not necessary or possible.

Neuro-Optometry care helps symptoms. Researcher use optometric equipment particularly made to aid neuro-optometry patients. Doctors have the use of technology to improve vision. They are trained to use adaptive processes for low vision in order to help patients. There are medications and glasses to lower blurred vision and loss of distance vision. Neuro-optometry helps the brain and the vision work as one while behavioral optometry does the same without the surgery but the problems are extremely different making each type of treatment, as valuable as the other.

Deciding how vision works from the brain and how to make it better streams into behavioral optometry. Behavioral optometry and neuro-optometry work together in developing ways to improve vision. Behavioral optometry gives non-surgical patients a hopeful outlook through this worthwhile medical pursuit.

Neuro-optometry treats disease and disorders of the nervous system, ocular disease and glaucoma. The practice treats the visual impairment of the eyes due to brain trauma. Behavioral optometry is a holistic approach to the treatment of vision. Natural developments in the body sometime have a healing effect. The holistic methods help to generate this process.

Vision is precious and optometrists do a great deal to preserve sight. Vision therapy is a part of eye care treatment. Computer technology has provided a means of taking care of some vision problems without invasive surgeries. Some vision problems require more therapy than surgery. This is related to Behavioral-optometry. This nonsurgical solution may be the answer to the problem.

Behavioral Optometry can include behavioral therapy techniques to help deal with bringing patients their sight. If it is a trauma this can be worked through. There are a number of things that can affect sight. Surgery can connect nerves and blood vessels but once these things are done and sight should return and does not behavioral optometry is there to nudge the lenses of the eye in the right direction. There may be exercise therapy required to get the eyes to work. Legs get surgery but without exercise, which is behavioral, these limbs may not work properly.

Visual rehabilitation is related to behavioral optometry, and also to neuro-optometry.  Optometrist can access the aid of other professionals to help with behavioral sight problems. Reading in low light or eye difficulties from too much computer use is a fixable problem with a change in behavior. This is particularly important in children.

Brain injuries create a problem with eyesight that may take a variety of therapeutic solutions to aid recovery. The eye like any other organ must regain its balance. People are injured every day seriously and sometimes eye problems are created or magnified. While Neuro-Optometry aids in relieving some of these vision problems through medication, therapy or surgery – Behavioral Optometry as well as the some of the latest technology breakthroughs can offer a host of options.

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